WAIT! Come Back!
Rapid Fire Recall

Teach your dog to come when called. Teaching your dog to come when called, also known as a recall, is one of the most important lessons in dog training. A reliable recall can save your dog's life! Learn the tips, tricks and games you need to get your dog racing back to you when you call.

As a Certified Professional Dog Trainer I've seen this THOUSANDS of times before

You're dreaming of off leash trips to the park and beach with your dog.

But, you don't dare because you never know if your dog will come back to you!

You'd love to go hiking and exploring with your dog off leash.

But, whenever you've tried this in the past your dog runs off after wildlife!

What if I told you walks don't always have to be on leash??

What if I told you that you can have a dog that joyfully comes when you call, even with distractions??

What if I told you there was a proven, step-by-step system that could have your dog racing back to you?

 What if you could have a dog that chooses to come to you rather
than chase squirrels?

If you're ready to stop feeling frustrated and overwhelmed with your runaway dog this course is for YOU!

Course Summary

  •  In this course you’ll learn why dogs don't come when called and how to change that.
  •  You’ll learn management techniques to prevent your from dog from choosing not to come to you when you call.
  •  You’ll learn how to teach your dog to focus on you and check in with you without you having to ask them.
  •  And you’ll learn games that you can play with your dog to reinforce that coming to you when called is the best thing in the world.


Hi, I'm Staci! Certified Professional Dog Trainer & Registered Veterinary Technician. I have over 20 years of experience training dogs of all ages, sizes, and breeds.

I'm also the owner of Manners for Mutts Dog Training. I'm a Registered Veterinary Technician (RVT) who, after working in the veterinary profession for 25 years, retired to train dogs full-time.

I specialize in helping people with puppies, or newly adopted dogs, adjust to the challenges of beginning a life together.

I am a member of the Association of Pet Dog Trainers (APDT), a member of the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants (IAABC), the National Association of Veterinary Technicians in America (NAVTA), the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior (AVSAB), A family Dog Mediator, and a Family Dog private trainer.

I love helping dogs and owners live their best lives together by training the dogs and
teaching the owners, so there can be success and happiness at both ends of the leash!

What's Included In This Awesome Course?

WAIT! Come Back!
Rapid Fire Recall

The most comprehensive, educational, practical, actionable
and fun home study school for pet parents!

  • 4 Training Modules
  • 18 Step by Step training videos
  • Downloadable Handouts
  • BONUS Module!

This is a self-guided course so you can learn at your own pace, on your schedule, and in the comfort of your own home!
Once you register for the course you will receive access to all the modules and lessons.

Our course library has both videos and downloadable handouts for each lesson.

All you do is watch the videos, download the handouts and start training!

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